Advice For Sellers & Buyers
Category Buying / Selling Advice
Prevent Issues During and After The Sale
First-Time Home Buyer Moving Checklist
Category Buying / Selling Advice
First-Time Home Buyer Moving Checklist
Should you fix the interest rate on your home loan?
Category Buying / Selling Advice
Should you fix the interest rate on your home loan?
Purchasing Immovable Property
Category Buying / Selling Advice
Congratulations on embarking on the journey of purchasing, or selling, a property! When potential purchasers and/or sellers venture out into the property ma
Mortgage Bond Types And Registration Procedure
Category Buying / Selling Advice
The steps were taken after receipt of an instruction from the bank and prior to registration of a mortgage bond vary from transaction to transaction
What To Budget For When Purchasing Property?
Category Buying / Selling Advice
Purchasing a property can be financially exhausting, it is thus paramount to budget the costs associated with purchasing your new home or say a commercial build
What To Expect Regarding Municipal Accounts After Transfer
Category Buying / Selling Advice
In order for a conveyancer to register a transfer at the deeds office, they are required to lodge a rates clearance certificate (RCC). For both sectional title
Municipal Clearance Figures
Category Buying / Selling Advice
When a seller sells a property, he/she/it is required by law to obtain a rates clearance certificate ("RCC") from the local municipality, which certifies that a